About Us

The Spartan Evolve Story

Forged from Passion, Driven by Excellence

Meet Adam and Andrew, the dynamic duo behind Spartan Evolve, a venture born out of their shared passion for fitness and a interest for business. Their story traces back to the days of high school, where a chance encounter during junior year sparked a friendship that would shape their entrepreneurial journey.

Bonding over their mutual love for the gym, Adam and Andrew became workout buddies, hitting the weights and inspiring each other to push their limits. The gym wasn't just a place for physical transformation; it became the foundation of a lasting friendship and shared aspirations.

During their high school years, they ventured into a car detailing business, testing the waters of entrepreneurship. To their surprise, the venture gained traction and achieved a level of success. This early taste of business fueled their ambition and showcased their ability to turn ideas into reality.

As the years rolled on, Adam and Andrew continued to explore opportunities. In 2023, fueled by their passion for fitness and a shared vision, they decided to take on a new challenge – the world of pre-workout supplements. Recognizing the risk involved, they understood that this endeavor wasn't just a business venture; it was a leap of faith into something they deeply loved.

Spartan Evolve wasn't merely about creating a product; it was about channeling their passion for fitness into a brand that could inspire and empower others on their fitness journeys. Adam and Andrew knew that the road ahead would be tough, but their shared dedication and commitment turned a business idea into a shared passion project, transforming Spartan Evolve into more than just a brand – it became a reflection of their unwavering commitment to the fitness community.

Our Philosophy: More Than Just Muscle

We believe that true strength comes from a harmony of mind, body, and spirit. Our philosophy revolves around empowering individuals to reach their full potential with products that are as pure as their intentions. Each ingredient in Spartan Fuel is meticulously chosen and backed by science, ensuring you're not just getting a supplement, but a catalyst for excellence. We're committed to purity, performance, and transparency, providing you with the tools you need to elevate your workouts and your life.

Our Promise: Quality, Community, and Commitment

Quality is the cornerstone of Spartan Evolve. From sourcing the finest ingredients to rigorous testing for purity and potency, we ensure that every batch of Spartan Fuel meets the highest standards of excellence. But our commitment doesn't end with what's in the bottle. We're dedicated to building a community of Spartans — individuals who share a common passion for pushing boundaries and embracing the warrior within.

Our Vision: A Legacy of Strength

Spartan Evolve is more than a brand; it's a movement. We envision a world where every workout is an opportunity to transform — not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. Our mission is to inspire you to embrace challenges, to rise above the ordinary, and to carve your path to greatness. With Spartan Fuel as your ally, every training session is a step toward not just achieving your fitness goals, but surpassing them and setting new benchmarks for what you can accomplish.

Join the Spartan Legacy

When you choose Spartan Evolve, you're not just selecting a pre-workout. You're joining a legion of warriors committed to the pursuit of excellence. You're becoming part of a story that celebrates every lifted weight, every conquered mile, and every shattered expectation. We invite you to join us on this journey of growth, strength, and unstoppable spirit. Welcome to Spartan Evolve, where every workout is an opportunity to evolve into something greater.


Adam Becker

My drive for self improvement through weight training started years ago and put me on my current path.  One of my entrepreneurial visions was to create a product that would assist in maxing out each and every workout.  I enjoy the marketing side of business and I am currently attending college with a focus on video creation. I invested in a camera and video equipment and have been making high quality gym videos.  I am looking forward to putting my heart and soul into our company and making a product that will help thousands of people hit their fitness goals.


Andrew Witten

Growing up, I was a very active kid. I loved sports and anything that involved fitness. I played football and track and did all sorts of different activities, but one that I began to love the most as I grew up was weightlifting. Weightlifting attracted me the most because of the self-discipline it enables. There's no one you can blame for not growing, and it’s completely on you for the results you receive. Truly making it one of my favorites. As I’ve now graduated high school and am a full-time student in college, I’ve had this burning desire to do the things I love for a living, and with that, Adam and I worked together to create Spartan Evolve LLC in hopes of being able to pursue what we love: weightlifting, content creation, and being successful entrepreneurs.